Ground Zero
Setting up a server using the Quake II Mission Pack 2: Ground Zero is prettystraigt forward except you have some new vatiables you can now use for the various newfeatures that Rogue has coded into the pack.

Simply make a directory called rogue under your Quake 2 directory and copypak0.pak, gamex86.dll to it and create a server.cfg as explained above and you have aGround Zero server.

Here is the server section from the Release Notes:

Best Quake 2 Mods

Other new CVars
Best quake 2 mods
Spectator support added. A new cvar is built intothe client, 'spectator.' Setting it to value other than '0' will allowyou join a game as a spectator. While in spectator mode, you can press the attackbutton to enter a chasecam mode and follow other players. Using the inventory keys (bydefault the left and right square brackets) you can switch between players in the gamewhile using the chasecam. You may enter and leave spectator mode while connected.Doing so resets your score to zero.
New cvar for the game.dll: spectator_password. If set to avalue (other than 'none'), users must set their spectator variable to this valuein order to join the server as a spectator. This password is independent of the normaluser password.
New console command for players, 'playerlist'.This will cause the server to give you a text list of the players on the server, includingtheir connect time, score, ping and spectator status. This is handy if not everyone fitson the scoreboard on busy servers.
New cvar for the game.dll: sv_maplist. This can be set toa list of map names that the server should autorotate through, rather than using thenextmap set in the actual map files themselves. For example: set sv_maplist'rdm1 rdm3 rdm14 rdm5' will cause the server to rotate through those maps.
New server cvar: sv_airaccelerate. This controls theoptional air acceleration facility. The default value is 0, which disables air control. The usual value to replicate the air control seen in the original Quake andlater versions of Quakeworld is 10. 10 allows for much more air control (as was seen in3.15). This value is ignored in single player and coop.
Skins and Models
Quake 2 like QuakeWorld allows players to use different player skins and evencooler is the ability for users to use different models. I like to keep a prettygood stock of models and skins on my server. In my search for Quake 2 Models andskins I have found The Quake 2 Player ModelPack (Q2PMP) to be the greatest source of Models and skins. I typically downloadthe Server pack and only include the most popular models and skins on the server to savespace. One nice thing about the Server Pack 3.0 is that they have removed all thebad skins (mostly black). The drawback is that they have included a lot of skins andmodels and it is a 78 meg download.
Using The PMP
To use the Player Model Pack and Skins you simply have to put them in theappropriate directory under the baseq2players directory. Typically I havemale, female, crakhor, cyborg, and zumlin with carefull attention to making sure eachPlayer Model has a set of CTF skins. In order to make sure the skins and models aredownloadable you should also make sure all of the model and skin names and extentions arein lower case or they won't always work correctly.

Berserker Mod

Other Resources
Here are some other great resources for Quake 2 server admins.

Quake Ii Mods

The q2servers FAQ Revision 1.3 - Agreat Quake 2 server FAQ from the Q2servers list at Planet Quake
The Console - A great reference guidefor all the console commands in Quake 2
Fahrenheit176's Quake 2 Console Command list- Another great reference for console commands.
The Linux Quake Server Pages - Lotsof good information for Linux Quake and Quake 2 servers.
LQ: Linux Quake and Utilities - Another great pagefor setting up Linux Servers

Quake 2 Berserker Mod

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